
Posts Tagged ‘New York Times’

Here’s a piece by Ann Coulter that, unlike the liberal media, is truthfully told.

Read it – you just might learn something.

The media wail about “torture,” but are noticeably short on facts.

Liberals try to disguise the utter wussification of our interrogation techniques by constantly prattling on about “the banality of evil.”

Um, no. In this case, it’s actually the banality of the banal.

Start with the fact that the average Gitmo detainee has gained 20 pounds in captivity. There’s even a medical term for it now: “the Gitmo gut.” Some prisoners have been heard whispering, “If you think Allah is great, you should try these dinner rolls.”

In terms of “torture,” there was “the attention grasp,” which you have seen in every department store you have ever been where a mother was trying to get her misbehaving child’s attention. If “the attention grasp” doesn’t work, the interrogators issue a stern warning: “Don’t make me pull this car over.”

Further up the parade of horribles was “walling,” which I will not describe except to say Eliot Spitzer paid extra for it.

And for the most hardened terrorists, CIA interrogators had “the caterpillar.” Evidently, the terrorists have gotten so fat on the food at Guantanamo, now they can’t even outrun a caterpillar.

Contrary to MSNBC hosts who are afraid of bugs, water and their own shadows, waterboarding was most definitely not a “war crime” for which the Japanese were prosecuted after World War II – no matter how many times Mrs. Jonathan Turley, professor of cooking at George Washington University, says so.

All MSNBC hosts and guests were apparently reading “Little Women” rather than military books as children and therefore can be easily fooled about Japanese war crimes. (MSNBC: The Official Drama Queen Network of the 2012 Olympics.)

Given what the Japanese did to prisoners, waterboarding would be a reward for good behavior.

It might be: Waterboarding PLUS amputating the prisoner’s healthy arm, or waterboarding PLUS killing the prisoner. But waterboarding on the order of what we did at Guantanamo would be a reward in a Japanese POW camp.

To claim that the Japanese – architects of the Bataan Death March – were prosecuted for “waterboarding” would be like saying Ted Bundy was executed for engaging in sexual harassment.

What the Japanese did to their POWs made even the Nazis blanch. The Japanese routinely beheaded and bayoneted prisoners; forced prisoners to dig their own graves and then buried them alive; amputated prisoners’ healthy arms and legs, one by one, for sport; force-fed prisoners dry rice and then filled their stomachs with water until their bowels exploded; and injected them with chemical weapons in order to observe, time and record their death throes before dumping them in mass graves.

While only 4 percent of British and American troops captured by German or Italian forces died in captivity, 27 percent of British and American POWs captured by the Japanese died in captivity. Japanese war crimes were so atrocious that even rape was treated as only a secondary war crime in the Tokyo trial, similar to what happens during an R. Kelly trial.

The Japanese “water cure” was to “waterboarding” as practiced at Guantanamo what rape at knifepoint is to calling your secretary “honey.”

The Japanese version of “waterboarding” was to fill the prisoner’s stomach with water until his stomach was distended – and then pound on his stomach, causing the prisoner to vomit.

Or they would jam a stick into the prisoner’s nose so he could breathe only through his mouth and then pour water in his mouth so he would choke to death.

Or they would “waterboard” the prisoner with saltwater, which would kill him.

Meanwhile, the alleged “torture” under the Bush administration consists of things like:

  • “failing to respect a Serbian national holiday”; or
  • “forgetting to wear plastic gloves while handling a Quran.”

Finding out who started the tall tale about “waterboarding” being treated as a war crime after World War II would take the talents of a forensic historian, someone like Christina Hoff Sommers.

After years of hearing the feminist “fact” that emergency room admissions for women beaten by their husbands soared by 40 percent on Super Bowl Sundays, Sommers traced it back to an unsubstantiated rumination erupting from a feminist rap session.

But the lunatic claim was passed around with increasing credibility until it ended up being cited as hard fact in the New York Times, the Boston Globe and on “Good Morning America.”

One of the earliest entries in the “waterboarding as war crimes” myth must be this October 2006 article in the Washington Post, citing a case raised by Sen. Teddy Kennedy – and heaven knows Kennedy understands the horrors of a near-drowning:

“Twenty-one years earlier, in 1947, the United States charged a Japanese officer, Yukio Asano, with war crimes for carrying out another form of waterboarding on a U.S. civilian. The subject was strapped on a stretcher that was tilted so that his feet were in the air and head near the floor, and small amounts of water were poured over his face, leaving him gasping for air until he agreed to talk.”

Even if that description of what Asano did were true – and it isn’t – the only relevant word in the entire paragraph is “civilian.”

Any mistreatment of a civilian is a war crime. So every other part of that paragraph is utterly irrelevant to the treatment of prisoners of war, much less non-uniformed enemy combatants at Guantanamo, who could have been shot on sight under the laws of war.

What Americans need to understand is that under liberals’ own “laws of war,” they will invent apocryphal incidents from history in order to give aid and comfort to America’s enemies and to undermine those who kept us safe for the past eight years.

Those of you in the media,  who profess to know the truth as well as their history, could do yourselves a favor by actually researching the facts before you publish your bullshit.

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Here’s a post by Ann Coulter that I would like to share with you.

I had no idea how important this week’s nationwide anti-tax tea parties were until hearing liberals denounce them with such ferocity. The New York Times’ Paul Krugman wrote a column attacking the tea parties, apologizing for making fun of “crazy people.” It’s OK, Paul, you’re allowed to do that for the same reason Jews can make fun of Jews.

On MSNBC, hosts Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow have been tittering over the similarity of the name “tea parties” to an obscure homosexual sexual practice known as “tea bagging.” Night after night, they sneer at Republicans for being so stupid as to call their rallies “tea bagging.”

Every host on Air America and every unbathed, basement-dwelling loser on the left wing blogosphere has spent the last week making jokes about tea bagging, a practice they show a surprising degree of familiarity with.

Except no one is calling the tea parties “tea bagging” — except Olbermann and Maddow. Republicans call them “tea parties.”

But if the Republicans were calling them “tea-bagging parties,” the MSNBC hosts would have a fantastically hilarious segment for viewers in San Francisco and the West Village and not anyplace else in the rest of the country. On the other hand, they’re not called “tea-bagging parties.” (That, of course refers to the cocktail hour at Barney Frank’s condo in Georgetown.)

You know what else would be hilarious? It would be hilarious if Hillary Clinton’s name were “Ima Douche.” Unfortunately, it’s not. It was just a dream. Most people would wake up, realize it was just a dream and scrap the joke. Not MSNBC hosts.

The point of the tea parties is to note the fact that the Democrats’ modus operandi is to lead voters to believe they are no more likely to raise taxes than Republicans, get elected and immediately raise taxes.

Apparently, the people who actually pay taxes consider this a bad idea.

Obama’s biggest shortcoming is that he believes the things believed by all Democrats, which have had devastating consequences every time they are put into effect. Among these is the Democrats’ admiration for raising taxes on the productive.

All Democrats for the last 30 years have tried to stimulate the economy by giving “tax cuts” to people who don’t pay taxes. Evidently, offering to expand welfare payments isn’t a big vote-getter.

Even Bush had a “stimulus” bill that sent government checks to lots of people last year. Guess what happened? It didn’t stimulate the economy. Obama’s stimulus bill is the mother of all pork bills for friends of O and of Congressional Democrats. (“O” stands for Obama, not Oprah, but there’s probably a lot of overlap.)

And all that government spending on the Democrats’ constituents will be paid for by raising taxes on the productive.

Raise taxes and the productive will work less, adopt tax shelters, barter instead of sell, turn to an underground economy — and the government will get less money.

The perfect bar bet with a liberal would be to wager that massive government deficits in the ’80s were not caused by Reagan’s tax cuts. If you casually mentioned that you thought Reagan’s tax cuts brought in more revenue to the government — which they did — you could get odds in Hollywood and Manhattan. (This became a less attractive wager in New York this week after Gov. David Paterson announced his new plan to tax bar bets.)

The lie at the heart of liberals’ mantra on taxes — “tax increases only for the rich” — is the ineluctable fact that unless taxes are raised across the board, the government won’t get its money to fund layers and layers of useless government bureaucrats, none of whom can possibly be laid off.

How much would you have to raise taxes before any of Obama’s constituents noticed? They don’t pay taxes, they engage in “tax-reduction” strategies, they work for the government, or they’re too rich to care. (Or they have off-shore tax shelters, like George Soros.)

California tried the Obama soak-the-productive “stimulus” plan years ago and was hailed as the perfect exemplar of Democratic governance.

In June 2002, the liberal American Prospect magazine called California a “laboratory” for Democratic policies, noting that “California is the only one of the nation’s 10 largest states that is uniformly under Democratic control.”

They said this, mind you, as if it were a good thing. In California, the article proclaimed, “the next new deal is in tryouts.” As they say in show biz: “Thanks, we’ll call you. Next!”

In just a few years, Democrats had turned California into a state — or as it’s now known, a “job-free zone” — with a $41 billion deficit, a credit rating that was slashed to junk-bond status and a middle class now located in Arizona.

Democrats governed California the way Democrats always govern. They bought the votes of government workers with taxpayer-funded jobs, salaries and benefits — and then turned around and accused the productive class of “greed” for wanting not to have their taxes raised through the roof.

Having run out of things to tax, now the California legislature is considering a tax on taxes. Seriously. The only way out now for California is a tax on Botox and steroids. Sure, the governor will protest, but it is the best solution …

California was, in fact, a laboratory of Democratic policies. The rabbit died, so now Obama is trying it on a national level.

That’s what the tea parties are about.

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Last week Bill O’Reilly on Fox News exposed the fact that the New York Times killed a story about the relationship between ACORN and the Obama campaign conspired in the 2008 election. Other media outlets refuse to disclose how ACORN uses vote fraud to steal elections.

When a paper like the New York Times hides the truth, we live in worrisome times.

At stake is nothing more than our democratic freedoms and way of life.

As you may know, we at the Republican National Lawyers Association have been fighting for a fair election in Minnesota.

On election night, Republican Norm Coleman led by 725 votes. But after a “recount” and questionable activities by the state’s liberal Secretary of State, Franken now leads.

We have been fighting and so far Al Franken has yet to be seated.

Franken’s Outrage

But we were shocked last week when the three judge panel in Minnesota decided that it is okay to treat voters in different parts of Minnesota differently, instead of treating all voters equally. The judges have basically said that the Equal Protection Clause of the US Constitution does not apply in Minnesota.

And in New York, lawyers are already battling over absentee and military ballots in the special election to fill a vacant seat for Congress. RNLA Members are there right now, helping ensure the vote counting is as fair as possible.

The results show a dead heat, and absentee ballots are crucial. These ballots usually favor the Republicans but at the urging of the Democrat Candidate’s lawyer the counting of absentee ballots is going ahead before the deadline for receipt of absentee ballots from our military and overseas voters even occurs!

Once again, Democrats are trying to disenfranchise military voters because soldiers are perceived to favor Republicans.

This is why our work at the Republican National Lawyers Association is so critical.

Your help is also critical — please support our efforts — Go Here Now.

We are the leading group in the Republican Party fighting to ensure that elections are honest and that voters, not lawyers or judges, decide the elections.

Already, we helped stop Harry Reid from seating Al Franken in the Senate as a Senator before the Minnesota Election Process is completed.

We fought for military voters and as a result of the ongoing pressure of groups like the RNLA, the New York Board of Elections initially extended the deadline for the return of military ballots so that the ballots have a chance to get back from places such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Republicans will keep fighting until those votes are counted.

But these are just battles in a longer struggle.

ACORN’s Dirty Tricks

Years ago the left realized if they can’t win at the ballot box, they could work the process. George Soros backed liberals in various states who became Secretary of State — the chief state officer who usually controls the election process.

The Democrats in Congress worked hard to give liberal groups like ACORN billions — to “register” voters. There have been widespread charges, prosecutions, convictions and allegations of fraud against groups like ACORN.

We need to do what the left has done. We need to organize and prepare. The 2010 elections are fast approaching. We need to train lawyers who will protect your right to vote and have it count!

We also need to expose groups like ACORN — in both the courts and the media.

You can help us do that!

U.S. House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers [D-MI] was so alarmed by the Testimony of RNLA’s First Vice President Heather Heidelbaugh about ACORN’s activities that he called for a hearing on ACORN.

But other Democrats, led by Subcommittee Chair Jerrold Nadler [D-NY] objected saying there was “no credible evidence” against ACORN.

Even though Mel Watt [D-NC] stated in the same hearing: “I would even stipulate if I were in court that voter fraud does in fact take place. I might even stipulate that ACORN or some of its employees have participated in voter fraud.”

But we have more evidence that will force the truth about ACORN out.

As revealed on O’Reilly, New York Times Reporter Stephanie Strom stated in a phone call to an ACORN informant: “I’ve been asked by my bosses to stand down” and stop reporting on ACORN. This reporter also detailed how the Obama campaign refused to talk about how they gave their donor list to ACORN. The reporter states: “the campaign insisted on speaking only on background. When I asked why, I got the barrage I described earlier. Cleary, I have hit a nerve.”

But the liberal New York Times killed the story.

We are not afraid to expose this fraud.

The RNLA is working hard to get the truth out.

Congressional Hearings, the press and legal proceedings to stop ACORN. Whatever it takes, we will fight groups like ACORN.

P.S. Congress earmarked billions in Obama’s stimulus for ACORN. This is why we need your help, and why we need to keep fighting to stop election fraud. What happens in Minnesota or New York, we know many future battles lie ahead. We need to prepare today for tomorrow.

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On the very day of a special election to fill a vacated congressional seat last week in Mississippi, The New York Times accused the Republican candidate of running racist ads against his Democratic opponent.

Talk about dirty tricks! By The New York Times, that is.

The Republican thus accused of racism narrowly lost the election the night the Times article appeared, so I guess the Times can proclaim: “Mission Accomplished.”

The ad in question, on behalf of Republican Greg Davis, pointed out that Barack Obama had endorsed Davis’ opponent, Travis Childers — another in a long line of fake-American goobers claiming to be “conservative Democrats,” but who get to Congress and promptly vote to ban guns, surrender in Iraq and fund full-term abortions.

These days, I guess you can call yourself a “conservative Democrat” if you refrain from being sworn into Congress with your hand on a Quran.

The ad showed a clip of Obama’s pastor g-damning America and mentioned Obama’s recent remarks ridiculing rural folks for clinging to guns. It then concluded that Childers “took Obama’s endorsement over our conservative values.”

The Republicans had also run ads connecting Childers with other Washington liberals, such as Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry. (Times editors are still looking for the racist angle to those ads.)

To call that ad racist is a monstrous libel. Greg Davis and the Mississippi Republicans should bring a defamation action against The New York Times — although such an action might be perceived as “racist” because some black people work at the Times.

Republicans are constantly linking the local hayseed Democrat to national liberals like John Kerry. The technique goes back at least to Michael Dukakis in 1988.

It is beyond outrageous for liberals to complain about the practice of linking Democrats to the national party when their calculated strategy in race after race in the red states has been to run Democratic candidates who appear to be Americans. They’re not Americans. They’re liberals! I don’t care how much hay is sticking out of their straw hats.

In the 2006 midterm elections, Sen. Chuck Schumer and erstwhile ballerina Rep. Rahm Emanuel (now there’s a couple of raw-boned Americans for you!) famously rounded up yokels from the local square dance contests to run as “macho Dems” — as the Times admiringly called them. Schumer and the ballerina were hailed for their brilliant strategy to fool the hayseeds.

The phony blue-collar Democrats won their elections by driving around in pickup trucks and shooting guns, then moved to Washington and began voting against war in Iraq and in favor of taxpayer-funded abortions.

One of the Democrats’ paragons of regular guy-ness that year was Jon Tester of Montana, who wore cowboy boots and had a buzz cut. The crew cut absolutely transfixed liberals in places like Manhattan. Search “Jon Tester and crew cut” on Google, and you’ll get more than 200,000 hits. Even this tonsorial affectation was a liberal fake-out, inasmuch as Tester has no military service.

After campaigning throughout Montana in a pickup truck, Tester got to Washington and compiled a voting record more liberal than Chuck Schumer’s, according to the liberal Americans for Democratic Action (Tester: 95 percent; Schumer: 90 percent). Tester also has a 100 percent rating from the pro-abortion group NARAL. There’s your truck driving, gun-totin’ Democrat.

Sen. Bob Casey Jr. was another consumer fraud perpetrated on voters in 2006 by the Democrats. Casey ran for office on the strength of his father’s name and his alleged pro-life position. It was the pro-life position of his father — the popular Democratic governor of Pennsylvania — that disqualified Casey Sr. from speaking at the Democratic National Convention in 1992.

Despite rumors that Schumer had assured Hillary Clinton that Casey was not really pro-life, the good people of Pennsylvania made him their senator, throwing out Rick Santorum, the kind of pro-lifer who actually opposes abortion.

In Casey’s first year in office, he voted in favor of an amendment to a foreign appropriations bill introduced by the fanatically pro-abortion Barbara Boxer that overturned U.S. policy against providing taxpayer money to groups that perform abortions overseas. It also granted overseas abortion providers taxpayer money. There’s a “pro-life Democrat” for you.

In elections in the patriotic parts of the country, Democrats keep producing candidates that look like they’re out of a Norman Rockwell painting but vote like Karl Marx — which is to say, they vote like the typical member of the Democratic Party. Naturally, Republicans respond to this tactic by linking the local phonies to the national party.

As soon as the Democrats stop running these mountebanks, Republicans will stop exposing them as lickspittles for their liberal masters in Washington.

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