
Archive for the ‘spam’ Category

Jenna Wortham over at Underwire posted this yesterday.  FYI – This article relates my own exact feelings about MySpace. I won’t be joining those who flee from this once popular networking site as I did that long ago.  Three cheers to all of you who tell MySpace to cram it.

“MySpace users fed up with glitchy pages, annoying banner ads and an abundance of spam may finally have the motivation to take the plunge and delete their accounts.

Wednesday is International Delete Your MySpace Account Day, an online protest geared at uniting users eager to ditch the popular social networking site.

Tired of juggling both a Facebook and MySpace account, blogger Simon Owens instigated the movement Jan. 20, laying out 10 reasons to ditch the News Corp.-owned site.

“After months of only visiting my myspace (sic) profile in order to delete spam friend requests from half-nude women, I’ve reached the end of the line,” wrote Owens in his original declaration.

Rather than delete his profile immediately, Owens decided to recruit as many participants as possible for his self-declared coup.

“I’d love to see a large number of people delete their accounts all at once in order to send MySpace a message: Your website sucks,” he continued.

Owens’ supporters have posted their votes of solidarity in the comments section of his blog.

One user, Rachael, elected to delete her account before the designated day, writing: “I jumped the gun and I already deleted mine…. SUCK IT, MYSPACE!”

Another user, Cope, offered simple thanks for the movement: “Great idea. Thanks for pushing me to get the monkey off my back.”

Other fans of the silent protest eagerly hopped on the bandwagon, creating a Facebook group to spread the word. Nearly 1,800 group members have confirmed attendance, indicating their participation in deleting their MySpace accounts.

One Facebook user, Tom, based in London, posted a message indicating his support to the group board: “Mine’s gone. Solong MySpace, you were shit.”

Another user, Smelly Jen, posted her support of the movement, writing: “I did it! So refreshing! Like ripping off a band aid! It’s gone forever!”

The online protest hasn’t gone unnoticed by MySpace officials.

According to an article on News.com.au, Rebekah Horne, vice president of Fox Interactive Media and MySpace in Australia and New Zealand, bit back at the international event, saying: “This Delete-Your-MySpace day is just about being controversial. MySpace is still the biggest social networking site in the world.” ‘

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