
Archive for the ‘Mexico’ Category

What did Presidents Hoover, Truman and Eisenhower have in common?  This is something that should be passed around.

Back during the Great Depression, Herbert Hoover ordered the Deportation of ALL illegal aliens in order to make jobs available to American citizens that desperately needed work.

Harry Truman deported over two million illegal aliens afeter WWII to create jobs for returning veterans.

In 1954 Dwight Eisenhower deported 13 million Mexicans. The Program was called Operation Wetback. It was one so WWII and  Korean veterans would have a better chance at jobs.It took two years, but they deported them all!

Now, if they could deport the illegal aliens back then,  they could sure do it today. If you have doubts about the veracity of of this information, enter Operation Wetback into your favorite search engine and confirm it for yourself.

Why you might ask can’t do this today? Actually the  answer is quite simple. Hoover, Truman and Eisenhower were men of honor, not untrustworthy politicians just out looking for votes.

I hope you all have paid your income taxes – 12-20 million illegal aliens are depending on you!

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Record prices for grain from corn to rice have ignited food riots from Jakarta to Rome. In Pakistan, troops now guard wheat stocks. China and Russia have imposed price controls. Connect the dots and there’s a need for a fix to a crisis that, strangely, isn’t caused by smaller harvests.

No, the main reasons for a long-term bubble in grain prices lie largely in a number of dubious human actions, related to heightened competition for grain as either fuel or feed.

One reason is an ill-conceived dash by both the United States and Europe to use grain and valuable farmland for biofuels, motivated more by powerful farm lobbies than concerns about global warming. (Telling factoid: To fill up the tank of one SUV with ethanol would require enough grain to feed one person for a year.)

Then there is the rising demand for grain-fed meat by an expanding middle class in China, India, and other fast-growing economies. (Factoid: To produce one pound of meat can take up to eight pounds of grain and a loss of land to other agricultural uses.)

And with world oil prices at nearly $100 a barrel – up 57 percent last year alone – the costs of food transport and petroleum-based fertilizers are also driving “ag-flation.” (Factoid: In the past year, the world has seen more protests over higher food prices than over fuel hikes.)

If bad weather has played any part, it was mainly in Australia, where a long drought has reduced that nation’s ability to export food. But worldwide, last year’s production of cereal crops was the highest ever. The ever-improving “green revolution” in agricultural technology, such as genetically altered seeds, keeps on boosting productivity at farms both big and small.

As with oil, though, the supply of grain can’t keep up with new demand, especially for biofuels and meat. One global index of food prices is at its highest in more than a century, with the largest increase just last year. The effects on political stability in many countries – if not the potential for spillover trouble – are worrisome.

Last year saw mass protests in Mexico over the skyrocketing prices of tortillas, rice riots in Senegal, and street demonstrations in Italy over higher prices for pasta. Many governments have slapped price controls on food or imposed limits on exports of grain (such temporary measures, done for political purposes, usually backfire later in the economy).

So far this year, higher wheat prices in Pakistan have led to smuggling and a need for troops to guard grain reserves. In Indonesia this week, 10,000 sellers of soybean products stormed the government palace to protest high prices.

Much of the blame for high prices can be attributed to the US energy bill passed last month that mandates an increase in ethanol production from the current 9 billion gallons a year to 36 billion by 2022. The anticipated rise in corn farming – and expected crowding out of other crops – has helped create yet another spike in grain prices. (Half of the world’s corn is grown in the American Midwest.)

Is the era of cheap food over? Or will farmers expand production enough to bring back the historic decline in food prices? Either way, world peace may depend on how leaders respond and help burst this bubble.


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